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MILLON arrives in Italy!


Dipinti e arredi dal XV al XIX secolo da una prestigiosa dimora di Cremona


Expert in antique paintings in Cremona-Lombardy

Vittorio PREDA

+33 (0)7 77 99 92 60


Sales Manager 


+33 (0) 6 25 27 31 15



Patricia LEVY

+33 (0)6 13 53 45 67



Collection presented in partnership with Cabinet Arts Anciens - Suisse /

Sale on 27 September - 4.30 pm at Hotel Continental Piazza della Liberta 26 - Cremona - Italy





La Maison Bleue arrives in Italy!

La Maison Bleue is stepping up its sales in places where collectors meet: after Beirut and the Hôtel Royal Monceau-Raffles Paris last month, the MILLON hammer will be ringing in Lombardy


27 September
First MILLON sale in Italy

For several years now, MILLON has been welcoming Italians to its appraisal offices.

But it was during a meeting with the owners of a Lombardy collection that the idea of holding a sale at their property in Cremona was born, to enable visitors to admire the lots directly in these prestigious interiors.

"The long-standing presence of our appraisal offices in Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy and Luxembourg has created relationships of trust with collectors, buyers and sellers in each of these countries. Our work is only as good as our ability to sell where the market demands. In this case, in Lombardy! Alexandre MILLON

Expert Vittorio Preda discovered and authenticated this rare collection of paintings and furniture dating from the 15th to the 19th century, preciously displayed in this Italian interior since the 1960s. Art lovers, embodying the elegance and 'savoir-vivre' of Italian high society, the Cremonese couple built up their collection over more than thirty years with great care and discretion.



Famous names in Italy and Europe

The heart of the sale is made up of old paintings by artists from Northern to Southern Italy, but also by painters from Northern Europe. Some key lots have not been seen for decades, and some are known only through black and white reproductions (lots 21,22,30,58,69,106).


  • Of particular note was a previously unseen work by a rare painter, Angiolillo Arcuccio (active in Naples from 1464 to 1492), an imposing and remarkable polyptych on a gold ground (€60,000 / €80,000).

Sold for €220,000

  • Salvator Rosa (Naples, 1615 - Rome, 1673) is superbly represented by a Bacchanal of princely dimensions and provenance;

Sold for €46,000

  • Sofonisba's sister Europa Anguissola (Cremona, 1548-1549 circa - ante 18 gennaio 1579) is on her home turf here with an unpublished and rare virile portrait.

Sold for €20,000

  • Another Neapolitan, Battistello Caracciolo (Naples, 1578 - 1635), painted a magnificent Salome, known as the "Pelzer Salome".

Sold for €110,000


Nordic Caravaggism is evoked byCard Players by Gerard Seghers (Antwerp, 1591 - 1651) , which sold for €29,000.





Sales information


Click HERE to find out the results of the sale!

The magnificent halls that have housed these works and the other lots included in the sale for decades are exceptionally opening their doors to connoisseurs by appointment only from 23 to 26 September, ahead of the sale, which will take place at the Hotel Continental in Cremona.

"This is an opportunity to celebrate Cremona, an ancient city rich in works of art, which was the birthplace of Antonio Stradivari (17th-18th centuries) and Claudio Monteverdi (16th-17th centuries). It is also the birthplace of Sofonisba Anguissola (16th-17th century), one of the most famous female painters in history" Vittorio PREDA - Expert in antique paintings





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    Rue Blaes, 32
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Edouard CULOT

Clemence culot

Clémence CULOT

Our sales results “Cremona”

Sold to €60

Sold the 2024/04/23


Lot 94

Sold to €60

Sold the 2024/04/23


Lot 98

Sold to €70

Sold the 2024/04/23


Lot 95

Sold to €130

Sold the 2024/04/23

Violon Français

Lot 126

Sold to €190

Sold the 2024/05/29

Violon Français

Lot 2

Sold to €60

Sold the 2024/04/23


Lot 96

Sold to €380

Sold the 2024/11/25

Violoncelle moderne 7/8

Lot 327

Sold to €200

Sold the 2024/11/25


Lot 168

Sold to €90

Sold the 2024/10/01

Violon Français

Lot 189

Sold to €60

Sold the 2024/04/23


Lot 97

Sold to €170

Sold the 2024/11/25


Lot 172

Sold to €800

Sold the 2025/03/19

[Hunaîn ibn Ishaq & Ibn Qudama al-Ghassani] MOAMIN & GHATRIF.

Traité de fauconnerie et des chiens de chasse. Stockholm C. E. Fritze et Paris J. Théraud, 1941. gr.
Lot 228

Sold to €410

Sold the 2024/04/23

Violon Français

fait par Nicolas MORLOT
Lot 162

Sold to €160

Sold the 2024/04/23

Violon Français

Lot 177

Sold to €7,000

Sold the 2024/12/03

AVICENNE (Ibn Sina, dit).

Lot 129

Sold to €800

Sold the 2024/12/03

AGRIPPA (Henri-Corneille)

Lot 98

Other auctions in the specialities “MOBILIER & OBJETS D'ART”

Sold to €40,000

Sold the 2024/12/09

Edouard VUILLARD (Cuiseaux 1868 - La Baule 1940)

Femme debout devant sa coiffeuse (c. 1892)
Lot 21

Sold to €34,000

Sold the 2024/09/27

Table d’architecte dite à la Tronchin d’époque Louis XVI, estampillée Feurstein et poinçon de Jurande

Lot 194

Sold to €22,500

Sold the 2024/11/20

SEVRES, Fanny CHARRIN, Période Louis XVIII, 1819

Plateau de déjeuner ovale en porcelaine, première grandeur, copie du tableau « Le trompette » de Gérard Dou (Leyde, 1613 ; Leyde, 1675), Hollandais, protestant calviniste.
Lot 35

Sold to €22,500

Sold the 2024/11/20

SEVRES, Fanny CHARRIN, Lodewijk XVIII periode, 1819

Ovaal porseleinen ontbijtschaaltje, eerste grootte, kopie van het schilderij "De Trompetter" van Gérard Dou (Leiden, 1613; Leiden, 1675), Nederlands, calvinistisch protestant.
Lot 35

Sold to €22,000

Sold the 2024/11/20

Cartel d’applique d’époque Louis XV, attribué aux Caffieri, la composition relevant de Jacques Caffieri, à rapprocher des œuvres du bronzier Edme Roy.

Lot 32

Sold to €22,000

Sold the 2024/11/20

Een wandlamp uit de Lodewijk XV-periode, toegeschreven aan de familie Caffieri. De compositie is van Jacques Caffieri, die geassocieerd wordt met de bronsgieter Edme Roy.

Lot 32

Sold to €21,000

Sold the 2024/12/13

Pablo PICASSO (1881-1973) - Pierre HUGO (orfèvre)

Visage géométrique aux traits
Lot 169

Sold to €20,000

Sold the 2024/09/19

Marteau de l'inauguration du Pont Alexandre III

Lot 31

Sold to €20,000

Sold the 2024/12/17

Suite de deux grandes verrières

Lot 132

Sold to €17,000

Sold the 2025/02/07

Ecole FRANCAISE du début du XIXe siècle

La calèche quittant l'hôtel particulier
Lot 83

Sold to €15,000

Sold the 2024/10/31

Aubusson, XVII ème

Lot 273

Sold to €15,000

Sold the 2024/10/31

Aubusson, 17e eeuw

Lot 273

Sold to €14,500

Sold the 2024/06/26

Pendule d’inspiration japonisante d’après le modèle d’Emile-Auguste REIBER (1826-1893) pour l’Escalier de Cristal

Lot 571

Sold to €12,000

Sold the 2024/06/26

Commode d’époque Louis XV

Lot 497

Sold to €12,000

Sold the 2024/11/20

David TENIERS II le Jeune (1610 - 1690)

Mendiants devant une auberge
Lot 10

Sold to €12,000

Sold the 2024/11/20

David TENIERS II de Jonge (1610 - 1690)

Bedelaars voor een herberg
Lot 10

Sold to €10,500

Sold the 2024/12/17

Ecole FLAMANDE vers 1640

Le départ pour le marché / Le passage du gué
Lot 33

Sold to €10,000

Sold the 2024/12/17

Ecole FRANCAISE vers 1700

Portrait de Marie-Anne Colbert de Croissy
Lot 36

Sold to €9,000

Sold the 2024/10/31

DOM ROBERT (1907-1997) et Suzanne GOUBELY - Aubusson

Agneau dentelle
Lot 318

Sold to €9,000

Sold the 2024/10/31

DOM ROBERT (1907-1997) en Suzanne GOUBELY - Aubusson

Kant lam
Lot 318

Sold to €8,600

Sold the 2024/10/09

D'après Christofano Allori

Judith et Holopherne
Lot 129

Sold to €8,000

Sold the 2025/02/06

Attribué à Abraham GOVAERTS (1589-1626)

Chasse au faucon dans un paysage boisé
Lot 104

Sold to €7,800

Sold the 2024/09/19


Lot 8

Sold to €7,800

Sold the 2024/09/27

Ecole ITALIENNE du début du XIXème siècle

Carnaval sur la place Saint Marc
Lot 87.1

Sold to €7,800

Sold the 2024/09/27

Chope dite Tankard

Lot 145

Sold to €7,635

Sold the 2024/06/26

Giuseppe CESARI dit Il CAVALIER d'ARPINO (Arpino, 1568 - Rome, 1640)

La sainte Famille adorée par saint François avec un ange
Lot 324

Sold to €7,500

Sold the 2024/09/27

Coupe en vermeil

Lot 142

Sold to €7,200

Sold the 2024/07/16

Lajos MACK (1876-1963) pour la Manufacture Vilmos ZSOLNAY (1828 - 1900)

Circa 1900-1905
Lot 304

Sold to €7,000

Sold the 2024/12/17

Charles-Leopold GREVENBROECK (Italie fin du XVIIème siècle - Naples 1758)

Paysage avec vue d'un domaine et de sa tour de garde / Paysage d'hiver à l'obélisque
Lot 20

Sold to €6,600

Sold the 2025/02/06

Grande console en bois mouluré, doré et richement sculpté

Lot 263

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